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Bob and Don at digsiteJURASSIC SPECIMENS. Digging for Jurassic dinosaurs isn’t easy on the human body, and geologic forces over 145+ million years isn’t kind to dinosaur remains. But there are times when careful, patient work reveals the wonder of a near-complete museum-quality specimen.

PaleoGallery has been involved in the excavation of important Jurassic dinosaur specimens like the ones listed below. Each dinosaur was discovered and excavated on private range land in Big Horn County, WY.



Meet Allosaurus X - our latest dinosaur to go to a museum home. A juvenile Allosaurus specimen was discovered at the digsite, with the fairly well-articulated skeleton running along a band of river channel sandstone.

Estimated at close to 70% complete, with most of the skull and jaws intact, this Jurassic predator is another important find that has been acquired by a museum and is now undergoing preparation...more


Our Specimens Now in Museums. Other amazing Jurassic dinosaur specimens from the digsite have already been acquired by museums, like the big Camarasaurus, Arky Camptosaurus, Stegosaurus Sophie, and Wally Camptosaurus...more